Thursday, July 14, 2011

Its not just about Mumbai !! Its about INDIA !!

Mumbai is angry. Justifiably so. The specter of terror looms large over Mumbai all the time. Since 1993, the sheer number of terror attacks on Mumbai, let alone the magnitude of those strikes, is too big to manifest this feeling of anger and fear among the common citizens of Mumbai. After last night's attack, this anger is again out in the open. Whether it is Shobha De, Javed Akhtar or any other citizen of Mumbai, all are angry and they have every right to be.

But, somewhere down the line, media and "some" people of Mumbai are giving too much stress on one word. MUMBAIKAR.Every Indian is as perturbed by these attacks and not just Mumbai people.We have people like Javed Akhtar coming on TV and saying, Mumbai is attacked because it has "more". How is a life in Pune or Varanasi has to offer less than a life in Mumbai? Does that make an attack in Connought Place in Delhi or Parliament a less frightening for Delhi's citizens.People are coming on TV and saying, we pay the highest tax in India, so we deserve better security. Does a person in Guwhati or Coimbatore, who also pays tax deserves lesser security than a "Mumbaikar" ? Yes, people are angry in Mumbai, but its a common sentiment that comes out of Mumbai many times. Not only at the time of these attacks.
Jerry Pinto, a Mumbai based writer, comes on NDTV and says, Why is NDTV doing a program about Mumbai sitting in New Delhi ? He mocks Nidhi Razdan,the anchor, when she says she understands why he is angry by saying , "My Goodness, You Do?" And gets a perfect rebuttal from Nidhi, which puts my whole point in picture. She says, "She comes from J&K and she knows how is life under terror".
Yes, the frustration is totally understandable, but what do Mumbaikars do when there are blasts elsewhere? They do the same thing that all other Indians are doing, they sympathize.Somehow, media and page 3 mumbai people are making it all Mumbai show but they forget its India's Mumbai.New Delhi has born the brunt of terror as much as Mumbai has, but has there ever been a voice out of Mumbai about those? Indians have been watching the telecasts since last night,India was awake the whole night on 26/11.But when people of rest of the India, show compassion some people in Mumbai come out on TV and shout on them.
Even as I write, Shobha De is shouting on TV and saying "Mumbaikars are very proud". Of course people like her are proud. This was evident when after 26/11 less than 50% of the Mumbai people turned out to vote. Least percentage was in South Mumbai, the place where many "elite" Mumbaikars live.
And media !! Cmon guys, pay more attention to other such incidents as well. I bet most of the people by now must have forgotten, 2010 blasts in Delhi, Pune and Varanasi! Those lives are also vulnerable. Just because they don,t offer elite of the society , to bark and speak on the panels on the TV shows, they should not be ignored.
Lastly, each Indian stands by people of Mumbai at this point of time. Normal Mumbai citizens are making such true comments and making right noises on TV. Hemant Mehta, a Mumbai citizen makes correct noises in this piece. This is the common sentiment of all Indians, not a Mumbaikar alone. We dont need Shobha De or Sohail Seth to come out and bark their "Pseudo Intelligence" .Come out of that mindset. Its Indians not Mumbaikars !