Monday, March 7, 2011

Padna Likhna Seekho, oh pade likhe logon !!

Recently, I saw a video on a friend’s profile in facebook, which showed how Indian Army and paramilitary forces are violating “human rights” by beating the people who were pelting stones at them among the other things. And in the background, a silly rap song, saying how Kashmir should be free from Indian demon or something. It’s not the song that troubles me. There is one more thing, which is much graver than the Kashmir situation. It’s utter lack of knowledge of the whole issue among Indian youth.
I asked my friend, why are you posting a video that’s showing only beatings handed out by the forces. Why not all the things that make them do that? During the recent rioting in Srinagar, a policeman on duty was crushed by a 3 Kg stone thrown at him by the crowd. Why is there no video of such thing? Just because a policeman, a CRPF or army jawan, who has no interest in Kashmir other than serving the nation, has no so called “Human Rights”, you just can’t go on and tell that he is not doing his duty. Yes, there might be some exceptions and these cases are duly taken up by judiciary and Army tribunals. Law takes it own course. Pat came the reply, if they had been doing their duty, “Kashmir would still have been the heaven on the earth”. At that time, I decided to call it quits. No use arguing there. To vent out my frustration I just updated my status on lines of Hurriyat bashing!
My point is, our generation thinks we are living in the age of information and we are so informed. But then, when you come across such things and some random program on MTV or Channel V where people don’t even know if our President is a male or a female, it makes you cringe. What is the point of being living in age of information when we just want to know who’s dating whom in film industry!
And issues such as Kashmir are so important. Yes, our politics might have made it redundant, but it is still one of the most important issues we face today other than the regular stuff like BIPASA (Bijli-Pani-Sadak). How can we not know what is going on there when our forces are at constant state of war? And I and many other people were living in bliss that people of my age are so aware, we can do anything. Being educated in the top colleges, working in the top MNCs is important but how can an MBA student, who is supposed to be aware, not know about what is wrong in Kashmir, What is wrong with CVC appointed by PM or for that matter who was the lead actor in Paa! The basic awareness of our gen is going down the drain. Just running after money, we read newspapers (read The Hindu) only when we need to clear a CAT or a GMAT or something. We are just reading what is there in our engineering or MBA text books. We are just watching our MTVs, Vs and Zooms. This attitude has to change. One need not be a total gyaani or something but a basic awareness can help a lot. We need to take up the newspapers, India today’s or the Outlooks. We need to start watching NDTVs or Times Now. The important thing is we live in a democracy where we have a freedom of speech and right to express our thoughts. But how can we do that if we don’t know a thing going around. An opinion or an idea can do wonders when they are implemented. Egypt or Libya are not even democracies but when people decided that they had had enough, they used a common opinion to stand up. An informed population in a democracy is its biggest asset.
As for my friend and the similar people, who are so in hand in hand of stone waalas in Srinagar, I would just outline some facts. For rest Wiki is there and google will also oblige if right queries are entered.
• What is Kashmir : It’s the part of Jammu and Kasmir, which is the northernmost state of India. Its basically a valley falling between high ranges of hindukush and himalyas. Muslim majority area, but native Sikhs and Kashmiri pundits also reside as minorities. Srinagar is the capital. Other parts of J&K are Jammu and Ladakh.
• History: In short, at the time of independence, it was a province ruled by a Hindu ruler, Hari Singh, who decided to be with India rather than Pakistan. Since then it has been governed under Indian constitution. It has parties like NC,PDP who have had different CMs. Kashmir was attacked by Pakistan in 1947,1965 when they were able to capture some of the area now called Pakistan Occupied Kasmir (POK). Line of Control was made after Simla Agreement , post the war of 1971
• Who is Hurriyat Conference: Hurriyat is a political outfit fighting for “kashmiriyat”, formed by asses like Yasin Malik .Kashmir was largely peaceful till 1989. In late 1980’s, hurriyat got very vocal about their demand for a “Separate state of Kashmir” (effectively a country independent of India). People like YASSin Malik, started getting Pakistan support for violent extremism which started the era of militancy and insurrgency, leading to HUGE military presence in the valley. “So my friend, Indian forces are just saving the kashmiris from the terrorisits.Period”
• During that period, native Kashmiri Pandits were ethinicaly cleansed from the valley. They were killed, their houses burned down. More than 200,000 pandits fled and were made to live in refugee camps in Jammu. Btw, do we ever read any article about these people? I guess they don’t have any human rights. Also, can we forget Chitthisinghpura Massacre when 36 Sikhs were killed during Clinton’s visit.
• Why is Kashmir important ?
Strategic : Surrounded on three sides by China and Pakistan. Chinese military has huge presence in Tibet. If they decide to attack India, Ladakh region will be the first one to face the action in northern sector. If Kashmir is an independent nation, it will make it tough for our forces to deploy quickly as right now only Srinagar-Leh highway is the only Road link(Manali-leh link being the other but longer route) Plus all or airbases in the valley will become redundant. Since we are on the lower altitude as compared to Tibet, our aircraft can carry more payload and fuel than Chinese aircraft, which will mean we will have an edge when it comes to domination of airspace in case of a war.
In terms of Pakis, an independent Kashmir will prove to be a blunder of humungous proportions. They will have direct access to Jammu, Punjab and Himachal regions. In case of war, that will make some difference. Also, Punjab being a minority region again in terms of India, Pakistan can again start a proxy war like it did in Kashmir and also the Khalistan movement in Punjab of 80’s.
Ladakh: Ladkahis are peace loving people . Majority of them, Buddhists who are at peace with India and have no issues. If Kashmir goes independent, we have a problem of access.
Rivers: Jhelum and Chenab will be lost. Also the huge hydropower generation capacity. It’s a big big issue, which is ignored sometimes. Read Indus Water Treaty.
Tourism: And huge tourism potential of the region can never be ignored.

So, forget about it being a separate state, ever ! Cant happen. Even if it requires a fight against kashmiris or pakis, it will carry on. Those who want a separate state can go to POK anyday.
Kashmir has been given so much economically. Special rights, an all weather train link, jobs and all. Yes, work needs to be done, but violence has to stop. And even if they are a separate country, how can they survive without Indian assistance?

Oh and btw, the people who were pelting stones, most of them were crowds which were “bought” by hurriyat. There have been stings and news reports about that. Lets give our forces a chance and please enlighten ourselves on the issues faced by them. They are not there for fun, they are there to do their job and to protect valley from going to Paki hands. Let’s appreciate them and stop being Shoba de or Arundhati Roy, who really are asses!!


Vernika said...

wow!! There were points I waz unaware of, truly a knowledgeable one!!!
I fully agree to the points stating we need to be aware of things happening and not just aware, we have to have an opinion.
I have been following newspapers and all but its been time I actually read 'em and that's because, as you rightly pointed out, am over CAT but the article did arose that feeling for reading it for us as part of the country and not for us as part of the rat race.
Hats off!!!

Priyesh said...

One down..many more to go :)

Alive said...

One small error there- J&K has a constitution of its own. Just in case!!

Priyesh said... does not have a separate constitution.It has been given special autonomy as part of artcile 370