Monday, September 15, 2008

Shaken And Stirred : :

September 13th, around 6:30 pm,CP, New Delhi. Sitting inside McDonalds , I was enjoying my meal when suddenly out of nowhere, I was taken aback by a loud thud and a cloud of smoke outside the window, not very far from me. Central Park, was just hit by a bomb blast. After smoke, I saw people running for cover, for their lives. All the high spirits inside the joint were suddenly lowered. McDonalds, which was filled with people, Indians and of other nationalities, was suddenly empty. All the crowd in CP started to move towards their cars and other modes that were to take them out of the place, which was suddenly filled with Police Jeeps and Ambulances. Hardly had I taken the first turn, I witnessed the section of Barakhamba Road, that too had witnessed the blast. I dint knew, that I was just in the center of two blast sites. As if it wasnt enough, FM told me, 3 more blasts had taken place elsewhere. This left me totally and completely, SHAKEN and STIRRED.

It was the first time in my life, I had seen something like that happening in front of my eyes. I can not even imagine what it must have been for those who have lost their loved ones and are fighting for their lives now. After all this something inside me has changed . I guess it was not just the ground beneath me that shook, something inside me has been shaken and stirred.

I am a Hindu and a proud Indian. I am proud of my nation's history and its heritage. Our secular beliefs are known to the world as our strength. But has this belief weakened over the past few years? It has certainly weakened for me atleast. Why after all the bomb blasts, we come to know that only Muslims are behind them? Lashkar-e- taiba, SIMI, Al-Qaeda and now Indian Mujahideen, they are all Islamic Terrorist organizations. Indian people are being killed by this community of people and unfortunately these are Muslims.

It saddens me when I write that, I am a Hindu before I write that I am an Indian. But I guess its being forced upon us to break our secular tradition. I have had Muslim friends and I have cherished their friendship. But just because of a few people, whole of the community is being looked down. Is it fair for an average middle class Indian Muslim, who works as hard as any other person to feed his family? Certainly not. Muslims are the integral part of our nation. Our cricket team, politcal parties, film stars, all have made name for themselves and this country. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, he is an inspiration for many. I dont think any other person has done so much for our country.
But why is that whenever there are some blasts, Muslim names are behind them? What has happened to an average Indian Muslim ? Some argue that Muslims in India have never got their due, they are neglected. That is utter rubbish. India is home to maximum Muslim population in the world. The opportunities they get here are much better than any other so called islamic country. Universities have seats reserved for them. All this has led to a large number of educated muslims doing great in India. But its sad that now this educated muslim is now the mastermind behind all the blasts. Tauqueer, the main mind behind delhi blasts is a ex-wipro employee. What makes him do this ghastly act against the country which gave him such high education?
All the arguements of neglect and discrimination are false.Rioting , whenever takes place is from the sides,hindus are also killed. Plus most of the parties are just hell bent on appeasing muslims to garner votes. I would rather say, hindus are neglected in this country. Its shameful for all the muslims who indulge in these activities. They should be caught and executed,not even be tried. People like Gilani, Mehmood Azhar etc..are result of this process. They should understand that all the hatred fron the other communities stems from their actions.

As for all the Indian Muslims who are living an honourable life and want to lead a satisfied life in this country, ones who are proud to be Indians, what are they going through now? I bet insecurity and fear is among them as well. We should not judge all these people by the actions of some sinisters.You guys are as much Indians as I am and deserve a great life.

As the dust settles on these blasts now, I hope agencies get hold of the poeple behind it asap and do much more to prevent these things again. As for some people, its time for some self introspection and I hope they understand the true meaning of their existence. God Speed.

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