Saturday, August 30, 2008

Rock On ! ! ! !

A guitar is lying by my bedside but i have not been able to learn it properly coz i am unable to find a good tutor around. Anyways more on that later...

Out of habit, i walked into cinema hall, yesterday to watch the first day first show of a new movie. This time it was Rock On !! . I had very high expectations from the movie and i guess all of them were fulfilled. Movie was all about music, friendship and all the emotions associated with relations and passions one follows. Complete with absolutely fantastic performances by the actors, all of them, its an enriching experience. Just watch for the music and the performances and a fab way of narrating a story.

So what makes this movie special. Its the message that it sends across loud and clear that " No matter what may come, one must never give up on one's earnest desires. The fantasies do come true if we are honest in our approach and work to fulfill them sincerely. A certain goal is there in everyone's life. Its upon us to identify it and work towards achieving it. Living our life without an aim and an objective will make our lives incomplete. So never give up on your desires and its never too late to realize our ambitions and dreams. And these things, desires,ambitions,dreams and hope are all part of our lives."

As for my guitar, which is lying by my bedside, I am going to make it a point to learn playing it as soon as I can....coz I just wanna do it.

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