Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Rain , the lane and the face...

Sometimes some things happen in life which are totally unexpected. They make u swoon with joy and something which cant be explained. These moments leave u thinking about them for ever.The piece below is a re-collection of something which happened and it just happened.

While walking down a lane
in midst of falling rain,
I stopped in my tracks
I dont know why , I dont know where.

I should have ran, but I dint
I should have been alarmed
coz I was going far and far..
But still i dint make a single move
was I struck from a bolt from blue?
I dont know how, I dont know where.

As people came and
As people said each other their bye
I dint make a single move, I dont know why
Was I proud or not sound?
Or was it just that I love the rain's sound?

But then everything made sense
When I saw a face across the fence,
just like sun playing with clouds so dense.
when she came across and stood by me
the confusion just got fly flew flee
coz love at first sight was
well, it is right
It all seemed so touch and go
but I knew i wont let her go
coz my heart seemed to be beating fast and slow...

So yes, it was a bolt from the blue,
that dint let me move...
I know why i stopped...
it was all so clear
I had to be there coz
She was going to be there

While walking down a lane
in midst of falling rain,
I stopped in my tracks
I know why , I know where !!

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