Monday, February 2, 2009

Padma Awards !!!

Akshay Kumar for his contribution to art and cinema has got a padma sri. Is this some kind of a joke ? what is his contribution other than crap movies which have no sense(Cc2c proved it..BIIIG Time) !!

Aishwarya Rai for the contribution to art and cinema. This sounds a bigger joke alright. Whats her contribution ? she has barely acted in 25 films most of them stupid and flops as well !! May be the only reason is she is a bahu of bacchans who are friends with SP's Amar Singh , who has a reasonable clout in Indian political system.

When will this jury start celebrating the real deal ?? Why were Vijender Kumar and Sushil Kumar left out ? Are their contribution less than these two moronic so called Superstars??

As for Akshay Kumar, I just hope he gives this award as well to someone more deserving...and start contributing.

1 comment:

Vernika said...

an outburst of emotions against the so-called superstars! :P

Though I agree with the points made..our govt. as in various spheres needs to wake up and honour the deserving ones, the real superstars!!