Friday, February 13, 2009

Jai Ho ????

It seems the dust wont settle down on " SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE" until it wins the Oscar for The best motion picture for the year 2008. Way to go Danny Boyle, you will also be awarded the best director award for making this piece of work of yours. So let us all, at least me, wish that Feb 22nd comes asap and slumdog gets relegated to just another movie that won an oscar as fast as possible because thats what it is, another undeserving movie that should not have won anything, leave alone a golden globe, a BAFTA and a very very sure Oscar...

I have no issues with what it portrays. Portray poverty and slums, you have all the liberty to do so. Sensationalize it, I have no issues with that as well. Its a fact that there are slums and people live in those conditions which are appalling and no human deserves to live like that. So show it and if people get to know about what its like to be in slums, fine, good job, u need to be lauded.

But at least make a good movie man. I mean seriously, Slumdog is the most over rated movie in the recent history.
Its direction, after the kids grow up is poor, narration after that point goes haywire..It kept me going till Jamal left Latika with his bro at the hotel..after that, no.
The character of Latika is more of an object other than a human being.
Dev Patel is totally blank and has a same lost look through out the movie and for this consistency he gets nominated for best actor at BAFTAS..amazing.
Mahesh Manjrekar...dude u are better when u stutter..
And the King of them all, the grand daddy...ANIL KAPOOR..he overacts, he hams his ways through all the questions and movie.And again shoddy character development for him as well..
To top all this, there are so many flaws in narration and inconsistencies that sometimes you feel as if your intelligence is insulted. Take for e.g. 3 things which Boyle guy tries to enforce upon us as Cinematic liberties..
* Darshan do written by GS NEPALI for a movie Narsi Bhagat in 1957 not surdas as Mr Boyle wants us to believe.
* Bloody Chaiwala does not know who's picture is on an Indian currency note ? Is the lad retarted?
* And the best...In a school in slum, they are teaching..THE THREE and that too, in ENGLISH !! Okay we get the point that movie is in english so, they speak english...but hello ? Its sad that the researchers boyle got dint know that these kinda schools use HINDI as a medium of education, not ENGLISH !!

So other than these three, there are so many glaring errors that make this a shabbily researched and poorly executed movie. Yes, the kids were brilliant, uske baad the movie falls flat on its head..

So leaving all the technical points at a distance, lets shift the focus towards the Indian people who are so in awe of this movie that they will start naming their kids danny and jamal and latika or even prem ( as if we dont have any Prems). What makes u guys fall head over heals about this movie ?

It has nothing new to offer. Yeah, for the firangis, Slums of Mumbai are the India they want to see, so there it is guys, u have your wishes fulfilled. Now all you firangs dont need to carry yourselves to the slums with cameras hanging around your necks to photograph India's poor. You have slumdog..cheers !! Any Indian knows what goes around in India's cities. WE know how poor people cope with their lives. We are so awed by the famous autograph scene from the movie and i am surprised. Lets face it guys, travel on early morning Shatabdi from chandigarh to delhi...i bet u will see lot more s**t and bottoms. even the s**t wasnt new.
Ask ourselves why are these firangis prasing this movie so much. Havent you noticed that these firang tourists do nothing but try to capture poverty of India through their lenses? They seem to think this is what India is and this movie re-affirms their faith.
We Indians have a problem. Sometimes we dont get up to speak our mind. Sab keh rahe hain to movie achee he hogee, to main bhee keh deta hun its awesome and all.c'mon guys, we have made far superior movies than this on this subject as well. We have shown mumbai's underbelly in far more engrossing manner in movies like Amir and Mumbai meree jaan, even Ramu's Satya. These movies show all this but without sensationalizing the whole issue. Their is a praise slumdog wave and we are riding on the crests of that wave.
And it is quite shameful in fact to know poeple coming to know about slum conditions after this movie. I guess some of us need to wake up. Thats the only good thing Boyle did by showing some of us the part of our society that they have so conveniently forgotten. Leave alone mumbai, each Indian city as a result of exodus from the villages has huge slums. And this is a part of our social and economic evolution. Each developing nation goes through this phase and after a long struggle, the divide between rich and poor will narrow down in a long run. London had huge slum areas during the Industrial Revolution era and after the prosperity increases its reach, it all begins to even out. But India hasnt reached that levels as yet, so yes, slums are a reality and it takes Boyle's pathetic attempt at movie making which makes some of us realize this reality, which is the sad part.

At the end, I would just like to say, it should not be another Danny Boyle or any other gora to inform us about our socio-cultural realities next time around. And lets start watching movies of firangs with same ferocity and hawk eyes with which they watch ours and ridicule them. And Mr. Danny the Trainspotting Boyle, I know, your insides are all smiling like monalisa, coz u know u havent made anything special and you are getting all this praise and laurels when you dont deserve them. Luck accha hai tera,boyle...All the best for oscars and vanish as soon as possible.


Vernika said...

First of all, how do u manage to write such a long post...!! :P

As for all the criticism to the movie, I agree with most of them. There have been a lot better movies in Indian cinema, we have been through most of it earlier in different parts of Indian cinema..and movie has nothing new to offer us, the Indians!!

But as far as Danny's part z considered, I differ!! THe guy has put in a lot of effort, and I leave it to our respective judgements.

Now, as for the OSCAR, consider the movie American Beauty which got honored with the prestigious award in 90s, shows how the american society seeks pleasure in outside world when their inner-self, the inner world has lost its meanings! Thats how it z!! but is it what u really call as OSCAR-stuff??

So, true India might not be slums and poor people with their miserable lives, but most of India z..and Danny has showcased that stuff to world! For us(Indians), there z nothing new but for them(World), that has never been done before!! Think about it..

Priyesh said...

Pehle to, i have been mentioning oscars just to highlight the praise for the movie, else i dont really believe in them..
So lets put amercian beauty asides, though kevin spacey was awesome in it..

And why are u not getting my point ?? I am trying to say...i have no problem on what and how they it, but its a badly made film..thats is and considering all the hype and u really feel it deserves any of it ?? think about it..and indians not knowing about slums and was just a complementary thought with the main issue of bad movie making...It just irks me when we indians tend to feel educated by foreigners with such movies..and nothing is new fr the goras about our poverty..they will never grow out of notion of our Third worrld status even if we become the richest nation in the world...

and leave danny's effort to judgement...

and the lenght of post just happened..i hope none of it is faaltu :P